• Product SKU: 9414131770007
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Availability: In Stock
Deal Breaker! The crowds have gathered in this shopping centre on the busiest day in retail Black Friday! The bargains are everywhere, but this store obviously has some especially fantastic deals on offer, as crowds of people gather outside who cannot believe their eyes! But the manager looks equally surprised, so is it the bargains everyone is staring at, or the events unfolding in the store? Try to imagine you are the store manager and piece together what he can see. The lid is not the answer, only a clue. Age 8+ years. Made in New Zealand. Approximate puzzle dimensions: 688mm x 493mm.
Deal Breaker! The crowds have gathered in this shopping centre on the busiest day in retail Black Friday! The bargains are everywhere, but this store obviously has some especially fantastic deals on offer, as crowds of people gather outside who cannot believe their eyes! But the manager looks equally surprised, so is it the bargains everyone is staring at, or the events unfolding in the store? Try to imagine you are the store manager and piece together what he can see. The lid is not the answer, only a clue. Age 8+ years. Made in New Zealand. Approximate puzzle dimensions: 688mm x 493mm.

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