WPN Premium Card Previews



Gametraders Seaford is excited to bring you our first ever exclusive preview card for the upcoming Magic the Gathering set Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty!

Fang of Shigeki is a simple design, but in the context of its Ninja subtype it is much more interesting. With its deathtouch keyword this 1-drop creature is great cheap attacker that disincentives your opponents from blocking and losing their creatures regardless of its toughness so that you can start with all your sneaky Ninjutsu plays!

And if you're on the defense it also makes for an efficient blocker that is more than capable of trading up and destroying one of your opponent's bigger threats!

There is still plenty left to see from Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, but we are certainly excited!

Click Here to Order Kamigawa Neon Dynasty NOW and Get it First at Gametraders Seaford!

And although we still not in the position to run in-store prereleases just yet, we will still have Kamigawa products available in-store starting from the prerelease weekend of 11th of February! This includes Prerelease Kits, Draft Boosters, Set Boosters and as a WPN-Premium store it also includes Collector Boosters!
Not only that, but anyone who comes in store and purchases a prerelease kit for an at home prerelease from February 11th-18th will receive an additional Kamigawa set booster* and go in the draw to win a WPN exclusive Yellow Neon Ink Hidetsugu, Devouring Demon! We will be announcing the winner on Monday, February 21st on our Facebook page!

*While supplies last.